Friday, 22 January 2016

2016 Plans UPDATED

A bit of an update as I've got myself entered into a couple of the events that I'm dithering about, entered a couple more (because I can!).  Exciting!

Maybe I've taken on a bit too much.  I do feel a little bit after being a bit bored for the first few weeks of the year that now things have hit Busy with a capital B, as along with marathon training (and associated sports massage/yoga classes for recovery), and a bit (a lot by anyone else's standards apart from mine) of swim training, I'm doing some research into careers of former librarians (myself included in that group now!), developing a course on depression for the new Oxford Recovery College and my usual voluntary work with Free Cakes for Kids.  It's a tricky balance to get right especially as having been so depressed for so long, the temptation is just to do everything.  We'll see.

31st January: Dartmoor Trail Half Marathon 

7th February: Grim Challenge (postponed from December)
14th February: Portsmouth Coastal Half marathon [new entry]
Annual Tenerife Swim camp

6th March: Milton Keynes Festival of Running - 20 mile run
18th March: Swimathon 5k.  Only doing one this year owing to several other things happening that weekend along with the need for marathon-long-run to be fitted in. [new entry]

3rd April: White Horse Half Marathon
17th April: Brighton Marathon
30th April: Box End Mass Start Swim (Not yet entered, will see how I feel nearer the time)

22nd May: Windermere Marathon 

5th June: Coniston Trail Marathon (this will be a walk/run affair - we've entered the challenge race as this will be more akin to the ACC (see below) and only 2 weeks after our last marathon)
19th June: Big Bay Swim Torquay [new entry]

3rd July: Seahorse Swim, Studland Bay, 3.8k 
17th July: Swim Oxford 6k [now entered]

27th August: Fuschlsee Crossing 4.2k 

11th September: Swim Oxford 10k [now entered]
7th - 9th October: Atlantic Coast Challenge

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