A bit of an update as I've got myself entered into a couple of the events that I'm dithering about, entered a couple more (because I can!). Exciting!
Maybe I've taken on a bit too much. I do feel a little bit after being a bit bored for the first few weeks of the year that now things have hit Busy with a capital B, as along with marathon training (and associated sports massage/yoga classes for recovery), and a bit (a lot by anyone else's standards apart from mine) of swim training, I'm doing some research into careers of former librarians (myself included in that group now!), developing a course on depression for the new Oxford Recovery College and my usual voluntary work with Free Cakes for Kids. It's a tricky balance to get right especially as having been so depressed for so long, the temptation is just to do everything. We'll see.
31st January: Dartmoor Trail Half Marathon
7th February: Grim Challenge (postponed from December)
14th February: Portsmouth Coastal Half marathon [new entry]
Annual Tenerife Swim camp
6th March: Milton Keynes Festival of Running - 20 mile run
18th March: Swimathon 5k. Only doing one this year owing to several other things happening that weekend along with the need for marathon-long-run to be fitted in. [new entry]
3rd April: White Horse Half Marathon
17th April: Brighton Marathon
30th April: Box End Mass Start Swim (Not yet entered, will see how I feel nearer the time)
22nd May: Windermere Marathon
5th June: Coniston Trail Marathon (this will be a walk/run affair -
we've entered the challenge race as this will be more akin to the ACC
(see below) and only 2 weeks after our last marathon)
19th June: Big Bay Swim Torquay [new entry]
3rd July: Seahorse Swim, Studland Bay, 3.8k
17th July: Swim Oxford 6k [now entered]
27th August: Fuschlsee Crossing 4.2k
11th September: Swim Oxford 10k [now entered]
7th - 9th October: Atlantic Coast Challenge
Friday, 22 January 2016
Sunday, 3 January 2016
2016 Plans
Several people have asked me to share my plans for 2016 and in an attempt to blog a touch more frequently in 2016, I thought it was worth writing them down. It seems in the last 24 hours that I've finally rediscovered my swimming mojo which was sadly left 500m from the finish line in the Two Way Windermere swim. I've finally swum further than 5k in the pool (twice!) and although I had already entered a number of running events, this has made me more keen to consider swimming events. So, getting back from an excellent catch up with my early morning swimming hat twin Super H, I set to and worked out exactly what I was doing with 2016. The focus is really on shorter swimming events, so that I can concentrate on the longer running events, but I have some longish swims in mind for 2017. The plan is to do at least one organised event per month to give me a sense of achievement as part of an attempt to maintain my reasonably new found better*being. (* better = better than I was rather than better = recovered).
31st January: Dartmoor Trail Half Marathon
7th February: Grim Challenge (postponed from December)
Annual Tenerife Swim camp
6th March: Milton Keynes Festival of Running - 20 mile run
3rd April: White Horse Half Marathon
17th April: Brighton Marathon
30th April: Box End Mass Start Swim (Not yet entered, will see how I feel nearer the time)
22nd May: Windermere Marathon
5th June: Coniston Trail Marathon (this will be a walk/run affair - we've entered the challenge race as this will be more akin to the ACC (see below) and only 2 weeks after our last marathon)
18th June: Box End Mass Start Swim (Not yet entered, will see how I feel nearer the time)
3rd July: Seahorse Swim, Studland Bay, 3.8k
17th July: Swim Oxford 6k (undecided on this one)
27th August: Fuschlsee Crossing 4.2k
11th September: Swim Oxford 10k (undecided on this one)
7th - 9th October: Atlantic Coast Challenge
31st January: Dartmoor Trail Half Marathon
7th February: Grim Challenge (postponed from December)
Annual Tenerife Swim camp
6th March: Milton Keynes Festival of Running - 20 mile run
3rd April: White Horse Half Marathon
17th April: Brighton Marathon
30th April: Box End Mass Start Swim (Not yet entered, will see how I feel nearer the time)
22nd May: Windermere Marathon
5th June: Coniston Trail Marathon (this will be a walk/run affair - we've entered the challenge race as this will be more akin to the ACC (see below) and only 2 weeks after our last marathon)
18th June: Box End Mass Start Swim (Not yet entered, will see how I feel nearer the time)
3rd July: Seahorse Swim, Studland Bay, 3.8k
17th July: Swim Oxford 6k (undecided on this one)
27th August: Fuschlsee Crossing 4.2k
11th September: Swim Oxford 10k (undecided on this one)
7th - 9th October: Atlantic Coast Challenge
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